Former Minister Harry Lali Crosses Picket Line Amid Heated Exchanges with Striking Workers

Vancouver, BC — Striking workers are outraged after Harry Lali, the former NDP transportation and highways minister, crossed their picket line at The Deck at Radisson Blu Vancouver Airport this weekend.

Workers from the hotel and The Deck have been on strike for over three years. Despite being clearly informed about the ongoing labour dispute in late May and explicitly urged by UNITE HERE Local 40 to relocate his family’s event, Mr. Lali and his family proceeded to hold the event at The Deck.

The situation escalated as Mr. Lali approached the picket line, leading to a heated confrontation between him and the strikers. Despite being aware of the dispute in advance and having the opportunity to hear the workers’ stories, Lali still chose to cross the line, accompanied by a group of men. His entourage appealed to the strikers, many of whom are Punjabi women, asking for permission to cross the picket line. The women stood firm, insisting that Lali, a former union member himself, knew better than to cross the line.

“Despite being informed well in advance about the ongoing labour dispute, Mr. Lali chose to cross the picket line. In May, Mr. Lali were notified months ahead about the situation, yet they decided to hold their event at a venue where workers on strike. This decision demonstrates a flagrant disregard for the workers fighting for the return of their co-workers, as well as respect and dignity on the job,” said Gulzar Grewal, Vice-President of UNITE HERE Local 40.

The BC Labour Relations Board recently issued a cease-and-desist order to the hotel and its majority owner, Sukhminder Rai, for threatening and intimidating strikers on the picket line. Rai threatened to fire one of the workers the day after the strike is settled, falsely told workers there are no kitchen jobs to return to, attempted to induce striking workers to retire, and made multiple insulting and threatening comments to one of the female strikers.

During the strike, the Labour Board has issued several cease-and-desist orders against the hotel for using impermissible replacement workers and ordered random inspections.

Contact: Michelle Travis, [email protected], 778-960-9785