Membership Meetings & Proposed Bylaw Amendments

The next Local 40 membership meeting will take place on Wednesday, October 27, 2021, at 5 pm, at the Pinnacle Hotel, 1133 W Hastings St, Vancouver.

Special membership meetings will also take place:

  • If you work outside the Lower Mainland, on Tuesday, November 9, 2021 at 5 pm, on Zoom (Meeting ID: 821 3824 0671; Passcode: 111463)
  • If you work in the Lower Mainland, on Wednesday, November 10, 2021 at 5 pm, at the Pinnacle Hotel, 1133 W Hastings St, Vancouver.

These special membership meetings are for the purpose of voting on amendments to the Local 40 Bylaws as proposed by the Local 40 Executive Board on September 29, 2021. For a complete listing of the proposed amendments and of our current bylaws, click the links below:

Exhibit A

Local 40 Bylaw Proposal Draft Aug 31 2021

Local 40 Bylaws (2014) with Proposed Amendments

The proposed amendments include:

  • Holding the Local 40 election in September instead of February
  • Allowing in person voting in the lower mainland
  • Reducing the requirements to be able to run for office
  • Detailing the process for approval of the Local’s operating expenses
  • Simplifying the process for changing the Local’s dues structure

If you have any questions, or need a Zoom link (for those outside the Lower Mainland), please speak with your Local 40 representative, your Executive Board representative, or contact us at [email protected] or 604-291-8211.