Coast Hotel workers in Kelowna, Nanaimo, Prince George and Victoria ratify new contract by 99%!
Coast Hotel workers across BC are celebrating a historic contract victory today. After months of organizing, mobilizing and hard work at the bargaining table, committee leaders in the Coast Bastion Inn-Nanaimo, Coast Harbourside Victoria, Coast Capri-Kelowna and Coast Inn of the North-Prince George can be proud of a new contract ratified by 99% of their co-workers.
Housekeepers won workload relief language for the first time, including a decreased room quota and room drops for traveling between floors. Banquet workers won gratuity protection (”transparency”) language for the first time in the contract.
All Coast workers won a significant wage increase, a 39% pension contribution increase and improved dental and vision benefits. Coast Hotel workers now have the same extended benefits as the downtown Vancouver hotels.
The Coast Master agreement ratified today covers 500 workers in 4 hotels.
Local 40 settled contracts for 3000 workers in 65 hotels and food service operations across British Columbia in the last 2 months.
Congratulations to all who worked so hard for these victories!